Patriarchy: Prevalence of Patriarchy, It’s Impact on Women And Measures to reduce the impact of Patriarchy.

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Patriarchy is referred as the male dominated social structure characterised by male dominance over the Women in many spheres such as Domestic, Political, Working places, Taking decisions etc.

Prevalence of Patriarchy:

• Putting restrictions on women’s with respect to the career opportunities.

• Pressurizing them with caring and nurturing children and looking after home only.

• Birth of male child is more preferred to that of female child.

• Control of property by men, and asserting the authority over women.

• Patriarchal mindsets are commonly noticed in educational institutions, working institutions which affects the women.

It’s Impact on Women:

• Women give up their paid job and forced to take the unpaid job such as household work, taking care of children and elderly parents.

•  Discrimination at workplace, as giving preference to the men and not to the women by considering maternity leaves etc.

• Discrimination in the wages, giving less wages to the women as compare to the men.

• Harassment and safety related problems at workplace.

• Not giving equal preference in education to the women to that of men.

• Health related concerns are greatly ignored or given less preference to the women than that of men.

Measures to reduce the impact of Patriarchy:

• Implementation of schemes, and promotions of girls education.

• Giving equal opportunities at workplace, giving equal wages.

• Installing safety Measures at workplace to reduce Harassment at workplace.

• Measures to make the women financially independent by giving them equal wages etc.

• Ensuring the equality in the political representation.

• Providing education at school and college level about Gender Equality.

• Granting paternity leaves for men to share the responsibility of child caring.

Equality with respect to the gender is the basic thing to ensure the social development. Ensuring women equality will be giving immense potential to the future growth.

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